Master your Air Flow and Vocal Fold coordination with dozens of proven training exercises from seven internationally renowned instructors.
- 27 Classes taught by
- 7 International Expert Teachers
- 35 hrs Video Instruction
- Daily Practice Routines
- Downloads
- Lifetime Access
Ready to:
Sing healthily?
Find vocal freedom?
Unlock your true voice?
Expand your range?
Effortlessly sing Mix, Belt, Falsetto?
Every style, every sound, is a specific combination of the
Big 5 coordinations of singing.
You won't be able to combine them effectively, efficiently and healthily until you can coordinate them individually.
The better your skill level at coordinating the Big 5, the more easily and effectively you'll be able to combine them to produce the sound design (singing style) you want.
You guessed it!
Everything depends on your Big 5 coordination skill level.