Achieve Your Singing Dreams with Science Based Voice Training!
Jan 19, 2022
Heh Singers!
Your vocal health and longevity is always a top priority. I've been singing for over 30 years and my voice is as powerful and healthy as ever. Why shouldn't yours be?
My teaching is Science based. I'm constantly updating my knowledge by collaborating with the world's leading voice experts, teachers & researchers. With the speed of innovation today, I never run out of new exciting developments I can share with my clients.
I want you to understand this: Your voice is a bio-mechanical instrument. It works according to specific design parameters. Ask your voice to work according to it's design and it will work every time.
I strive to use the latest teaching, coaching, pedagogy, mindset & learning techniques in order to meet each individual singer's personal needs. When individual needs are met, progression accelerates.
I'm grateful to the many brilliant teachers & mentors I was fortunate to work with during my journey. I wouldn't be in a position to help millions of people around the world without their genius and mentorship.
My journey has led me to create the Four Activities of Singing in order to help singers around the world realize their singing dreams. When these four powerful Activities synchronize, amazing, beautiful singing happens - regardless the genre.
I want you to know that great singing is not based on natural talent or guesswork. When synchronizing the Four Activities of Singing - Singing becomes healthy, efficient, surprisingly easy, predictable, designable & 100% reliable.
Make the most powerful,
life-changing shift in your singing.
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